Special Experiment


13 special experiments were applied and approved by the IS radar committee in NIPR.

1. Observation of spatiotemporal variation of auroral precipitating electron energy by multi-point/multi-wavelength monochromatic imagers and EISCAT radar
PI: Y.-M. Tanaka (NIPR)

2. Development of a method for estimating characteristic energy of pulsating auroral electrons
PI: Y. Ogawa (NIPR)

3. Pulsating aurora-induced Na density depletion in the polar MLT region: high-speed sodium lidar and EISCAT radar observations
PI: T. Takahashi (NIPR)

4. Studies of the dayside polar ionosphere and thermosphere with the EISCAT radar and whole atmosphere GCM
PI: H. Fujiwara (Seikei Univ.)

5. Investigation of ground magnetic field perturbation associated with pulsating aurora
PI: K. Hosokawa. (UEC)

6. Observations of artificial aurora spectrum
PI: T. T. Tsuda (UEC)

7. Response of mass transfer between ionosphere and magnetosphere to solar wind variations
PI: K. Seki (Univ. of Tokyo)

8. Investigation of acceleration and heating mechanisms of ion outflow in the cusp region: SS-520-3 rocket campaign
PI: Y. Saito (JAXA/ISAS)

9. Study on temperature variations in the polar lower thermosphere using EISCAT radar and sodium LIDAR simultaneous observations
PI: S. Nozawa (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)

10. Identification of relativistic electron precipitations associated with pulsating aurora
PI: Y. Miyoshi (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)

11. Measurement of the height-resolved FPI wind with ionospheric heating
PI: S.-i. Oyama (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.)

12. ESR observations of flow channels on the equatorward side of the dayside auroral oval
PI: S. Taguchi (Kyoto Univ.)

13. Space Debris Detection via Processing EISCAT Radar Data
PI: K. Fujita (NBU)

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