17 special experiments were applied and approved by the IS radar committee in NIPR.
(1) Coordinated EISCAT radar - REIMEI observations of ion upflow event
PI: T. Sakanoi (Tohoku Univ.)
(2) Identification of the spatio-temporal evolution of the rippled boundary in the
cusp/polar cap electron density with ESR iso-latitude observing mode
PI: S. Taguchi (Kyoto Univ.)
(3) High-speed measurements of polar cap aurora
PI: K. Hosokawa (UEC)
(4) Observations of vertical motion of polar cap patches
PI: K. Hosokawa (UEC)
(5) EISCAT observations and GCM simulations of the energetics and dynamics in the polar thermosphere and ionosphere
PI: H. Fujiwara (Seikei Univ.)
(6) Simultaneous observation of the cusp irregularities by EISCAT radar and sounding rocket during ICI-4 campaign
(7) Fine temporal and spatial resolution observations using EISCAT heating facility and CUTLASS HF radars
PI: A. Yukimatsu (NIPR)
(8) Study on 3D structure of aurora by the ALIS/EISCAT coordinated observation
PI: Y. Tanaka (NIPR)
(9) Investigation on short-period atmospheric/ionospheric variations
in the polar mesosphere/D-region
PI: T. Tsuda (NIPR)
(10) Study on short-term variations of ionospheric trough
PI: Y. Ogawa (NIPR)
(11) Thermospheric responses around the substorm onset
PI: K. Shiokawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(12) Tides and planetary waves in the lower thermosphere and the mesosphere in the polar region
PI: S. Nozawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(13) Study on temperature variations in the polar lower thermosphere using EISCAT radar and sodium LIDAR simultaneous observations
PI: S. Nozawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(14) Observations of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances using the
EISCAT radar and European GPS networks
PI: Y. Otsuka (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(15) Electron density variations of the ionosphere associated with pulsating aurora
PI: Y. Miyoshi (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(16) Thermospheric/Mesospheric-wind variations during pulsating aurora
PI: S. Oyama (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)
(17) Latitudinal structure of fast plasma flow
A. Ieda (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)