Research & Education



Mizuki Fukizawa, Generation Mechanism of Low-Energy Electron Precipitation in Pulsating Aurora Elucidated with Arase Satellite, Ground-Based Optical and Radar Observations, and Computed Tomography, Ph.D. Thesis, Tohoku University, March 2022.

Chiaki Morikwa, Study of 8- and 6-hour atmospheric waves in the upper mesosphere of the Arctic region using the Tromsø Sodium Lidar, Master thesis, Nagoya University, March 2022.


Yuki Kawamura, Studies of the characteristics of pulsating aurora by using multi-point high-speed optical observations, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Electro-Communications, March 2021.


Yunosuke Nagafusa, Relationship between fast ion flow and electron precipitation regions in the dayside polar ionosphere, Master thesis, Kyoto University, March 2020.

Shin Sugo, Development of energetic electron detector with hemispherical field-of-view with avalanche photodiodes and miniaturization by ASIC for future planetary explorations, Master thesis, University of Tokyo, March 2020.


Bjoland, L. M., Radar studies of plasma parameters in the polar cap and the auroral zone, Ph.D. Thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, ISBN 978-82-8236-288-7, 2018.
(Note: Studied at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan in FY2015 and FY2016)

Masayasu Takada, Study on mechanisms of molecular ion supply from the low altitude ionosphere to the magnetosphere based on the EISCAT radar - ARASE (ERG) satellite coodnated observations, Master thesis, University of Tokyo, March 2019.

Mizuki Fukizawa, Relationship between plasma waves and pulsating auroral emissions in the magnetic equatorial surface based on simultaneous Arase satellite-ground optical observations, Master thesis, Tohoku University, March 2019.


Yu Endo, N2+ resonant scattering light in the topside ionosphere observed with the auroral spectrograph at Longyearbyen, Master thesis, Tohoku University, March 2018.


Hirona Kondo, Omega-band pulsating aurora and ionospheric D-region ionization based on ground-based EISCAT radar and multipoint optical observations, Master thesis, Tohoku University, March 2018.


Shintaro Takita, A comparative study of neutral atmospheric temperature and ion temperature and quantitative evaluation of Joule heating in the Arctic lower thermosphere, Master thesis, Nagoya University, March 2016.

Naoki Ozaki, Derivation of the field-algned currents using IMAGE FUV and SuperDARN, Master thesis, University of Electro-Communications, March 2016.


Tetsuo Ishida, Study on multi-timescale characteristics of ionospheric trough in subauroral/auroral region, Doctor thesis, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), March 2015.

Toru Takahashi, Vertical coupling in the polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere: Event studies of a gravity wave and a sporadic sodium layer, Doctor thesis, Nagoya University, March 2015.


Jun Sakai, Plasma density structures in the polar-cap ionosphere during magnetic storms, Doctor thesis, The University of Electro-Communications, March 2014.



Naritoshi Kitamura, Thermal and low-energy ion outflow from the terrestrial polar ionosphere, Doctor thesis, Tohoku University, February 2012.

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