Research & Education



Bjoland, L. M., Radar studies of plasma parameters in the polar cap and the auroral zone, Ph.D. Thesis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, ISBN 978-82-8236-288-7, 2018.
(Note: Studied at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Japan in FY2015 and FY2016)

Masayasu Takada, Study on mechanisms of molecular ion supply from the low altitude ionosphere to the magnetosphere based on the EISCAT radar - ARASE (ERG) satellite coodnated observations, Master thesis, University of Tokyo, March 2019.

Mizuki Fukizawa, Relationship between plasma waves and pulsating auroral emissions in the magnetic equatorial surface based on simultaneous Arase satellite-ground optical observations, Master thesis, Tohoku University, March 2019.

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