


O. Amm, R. Nakamura, H. U. Frey, Y. Ogawa, M. Kubyshkina, A. Balogh and H. Reme
Substorm topology in the ionosphere and magnetosphere during a flux rope event in the magnetotail

R. Fujii, M. Fujimura, S. Nozawa and Y. Ogawa
Electrodynamics of the poleward moving auroral form

Y. Ogawa, A. Sakurai, S. Nozawa and R. Fujii
Solar activity dependence of ion upflow in the polar ionosphere

S. Maeda, S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, A. Brekke and S. Oyama
F-region ion temperature distribution over the auroral region and the polar cap

B. Gustavsson, T. B. Leyser, B. U. E. Brandstrom, M. Kosch, M. Rietveld, T. Aso and A. Steen
Asymmetry in HF-pump enhanced 4278 A emissions around electron gyroharmonics

E. Griffin, A. Aruliah, I. McWhirter, M. Kosch, A. Kavanagh, A. Senior, T. Abe
Combined ground-based optical support for the aurora (Delta) sounding rocket campaign (poster)

T. Tsuda, S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, R. Fujii and A. Brekke
A study of the lower thermospheric wind in the polar cap using ESR CP-2 data obtained in summer (poster)

Y. Hobara, H. Nilsson, S. Arvelius, R. Lundin, D. Sundkvist, M. Andre, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, A. Balogh, S. C. Buchert, H. Reme, J.-A. Sauvaud
Cluster observations of high altitude oxygen outflow burst and associated wave activities (poster)

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