Special Experiment


15 special experiments were applied and approved by the IS radar committee in NIPR.

(1) Simultaneous observation of the cusp irregularities by EISCAT radar and sounding rocket during ICI-4 campaign

(2) EISCAT observations and GCM simulations of the energetics and dynamics in the polar thermosphere and ionosphere
PI: H. Fujiwara (Seikei Univ.)

(3) ePOP satellite - EISCAT coordinated observations of atmospheric outflow phenomena
PI: H. Hayakawa (JAXA/ISAS)

(4) Observations of vertical motion of polar cap patches
PI: K. Hosokawa (UEC)

(5) Developments of multi-beam observations using EISCAT and KAIRA
PI: Y. Ogawa (NIPR)

(6) Reconstruction of auroral 3D structure by generalized - aurora computed tomography
PI: Y. Tanaka (NIPR)

(7) Fine temporal and spatial resolution observations using EISCAT heating facility and CUTLASS HF radars
PI: A. Yukimatsu (NIPR)

(8) Consideration on observation method of artificial aurora applying a lidar system
PI: T. Kawahara (Shinsyu Univ.)

(9) Thermospheric responses around the substorm onset
PI: K. Shiokawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(10) Tides and planetary waves in the lower thermosphere and the mesosphere in the polar region
PI: S. Nozawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(11) Study on temperature variations in the polar lower thermosphere using EISCAT radar and sodium LIDAR simultaneous observations

PI: S. Nozawa (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(12) Electron density variations of the ionosphere associated with pulsating aurora
PI: Y. Miyoshi (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(13) Latitudinal structure of fast plasma flow
A. Ieda (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(14) Thermospheric/Mesospheric-wind variations during pulsating aurora
PI: S. Oyama (STEL, Nagoya Univ.)

(15) Three-dimensional imaging of the plasma parameters of a moving cusp aurora
PI: S. Taguchi (Kyoto Univ.)

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