
FY2023 domestic SuperDARN meeting was held at Kyushu University and online. Feb. 7th, 2024

FY2023 domestic SuperDARN science meeting was held at Kyushu University and online hosted by Nagoya U./ISEE and NIPR. Details can be found here.

Web page for SuperDARN Workshop 2024 has just been opened by Chinese group. Nov., 2023

SuperDARN workshop 2024 will be held in Beijing, China from May 19th to May 27th, 2024 (Workshop:5/19-24+an onsite school at the Siziwang Observatory of Space Weather in Inner Mongolia :5/25-27)hosted by Chinese group. Workshop web page has just been opened. The deadline of abstract submission is 31st of March, 2024 (extended to 15th April, 2024) and the deadline for early bird registration is 20th of April, 2024. Please feel free to join the workshop!!

FY2022 domestic SuperDARN meeting was held at NIPR & online on 9th of March, 2023. Mar., 2023

FY2022 domestic SuperDARN science meeting was held on 9th of March, 2023 at NIPR with online component hosted by NIPR and Nagoya U./ISEE. Details can be found here.

Web page for SuperDARN Workshop 2023 has just been opened by South African group. Feb., 2023

SuperDARN workshop 2023 will be held in Drakensberg, South Africa from 29th of May to 2nd of June, 2023 hosted by South African group. Workshop web page has just been opened. Deadline for early bird registration is 14th of April and deadline of abstract submission is 1st of May, 2023. Please feel free to join the workshop!!

Web page for SuperDARN Workshop 2022 has just been opened by Chinese group. Apr. 2nd, 2022

SuperDARN workshop 2022 will be held online from 30th of May to 3rd of June, 2022 hosted by CAS/NSSC in China. Workshop web page has just been opened. Deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is Apr. 30th, 2022. Please feel free to join the workshop!!

FY2021 domestic SuperDARN meeting was held online. Feb., 2022

FY2021 domestic SuperDARN science meeting was held online hosted by Nagoya U./ISEE and NIPR. Details can be found here.

Dr. Nishitani et al., the first mid-lat. SD review paper received the PEPS Most Cited Paper Award 2021 Jun., 2021

Dr. Nishitani, Dr. Hori et al., PEPS, 2019, “Review of the accomplishments of mid-latitude Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) HF radars”, the first mid-latitude SuperDARN review paper (and the third large SuperDARN review paper) received the PEPS (Progress in Earth and Planetary Science journal) Most Cited Paper Award 2021. It is the first paper on space and planetary sciences to receive this award. The awards were presented to the top-two most cited papers published in 2018 – 2019, based on the number of citations during 2020 acknowledged by Web of Science. Great job and Congratulation!!

Web page for SuperDARN 2021 virtual Workshop has just been opened by South African group. Mar., 2021

SuperDARN 2021 workshop will be held virtually from 24th to 28th of May, 2021 hosted by SANSA in South Africa. Workshop web page has just been opened. Deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is May 7th, 2021. Please feel free to join the workshop!!

FY2020 domestic SuperDARN meeting was held online. Mar., 2021

FY2020 domestic SuperDARN science meeting was held online hosted by NIPR, NICT and Nagoya U./ISEE. Details can be found here.

SuperDARN 2021 Workshop will be held online: May 24th to 28th, 2021. SuperDARN 2022 Workshop will be held in China, and 2023 workshop will be in South Africa. Nov., 2020

At the SuperDARN interim PI meeting held online on Nov. 19th, 2020, it was approved that, in consideration of current continuing COVID-19 pandemic situation, SuperDARN 2021 Workshop will be held virtually again between May 24th and 28th, 2021, SuperDARN 2022 (hopefully in-person) Workshop will be held in China, and SuperDARN 2023 (yes, hopefully in-person) Workshop will be in South Africa.

SuperDARN 2020 First Ever Virtual Workshop will be held: June 1-5, 2020 May, 2020

It is with great regret that SuperDARN Workshop in beautiful South Africa this year was postponed to next year due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, we decided to hold SuperDARN first ever virtual workshop online from June 1st to 5th, 2020 for productive and fruitful scientific discussion. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Natsuo Sato (Syowa radars original PI) was awarded a 2020 JpGU Fellow Apr., 2020

JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) announced that it has awarded a 2020 JpGU Fellowship to Natsuo Sato, Emeritus Professor at NIPR (and ex deputy director), for his notable contributions to the field of geoscience in Japan. In particular, the JpGU recognises his "outstanding contribution to solar-terrestrial physics through state-of-the-art research into north-south conjugate observations of the aurora, and international collaborative research based on the establishment of SuperDARN, the international network of large-scale shortwave radar". Natsuo was the original PI of the SENSU Antarctic Syowa radars and has greatly contributed to the establishment of SuperDARN and the scientific achievement of the field.

SuperDARN Workshop 2021: May 24-28, 2021 Apr., 2020

SuperDARN Workshop 2021 will be held in South Africa during 24-28 May 2021. Detailed information will be updated at the LOC page at

Deadline for submission to SuperDARN Special Issue in Polar Science journal extended to the end of June, 2020 Mar., 2020

Thank you very much for your great contribution to the Special Issue on SuperDARN in Polar Science journal.

We recently received several messages from our community asking to extend the deadline due to their difficulties related to the current situations around the world. We've discussed on this issue with the Polar Science editorial office and all the Guest Editors, and finally reached a conclusion to extend the deadline again to the end of June this year. (i.e., submission extension again, but I think this should be the final one unless something extreme happen in the near future...)

The deadline extension was decided because we understand there are some people who would like to submit their manuscripts, but still have difficulties to meet the deadline under the limitations including or related to current COVID-19 situations. And we also believe this slight more extension might encourage people not to give up their submission, or furthermore, to complete and submit new manuscripts or potential papers not submitted yet to the SI.

OK, so the new (and final) deadline is now *** the end of June, 2020***. We encourage all of you again to submit your valuable papers related to SuperDARN to the special issue by the new deadline. Many thanks for your attention and considering your submission!

But before all of these above..., we really hope and wish everyone here, your family, relatives, colleagues, friends, and people around you are all ok and will stay safe.

With best wishes, All the Guest editors for the special issue

SuperDARN Workshop 2020 : postponed to 2021 Mar., 2020

SuperDARN Workshop 2020 is postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19. See the LOC page at

Deadline extended for submission to SuperDARN Special Issue in Polar Science journal (deadline: March 31st, 2020) Dec., 2019

Deadline for submission to SuperDARN Special Issue in Polar Science journal has been extended to the end of March, 2020, due to delay of opening the submission site related to the migration to new submission system at publisher site etc. We encourage all of you to submit your valuable papers to the special issue on SuperDARN by the new deadline. Thank you for your attention and considering your submission.
MGE: A. Sessai Yukimatu (NIPR, Japan)

Open Call for Papers to a Special Issue in Polar Science journal, “SuperDARN / Studies of Geospace Dynamics - Today and Future” June, 2019

We would like to invite you to submit papers to the special issue on “SuperDARN / Studies of Geospace Dynamics - Today and Future” in the Polar Science journal. This special issue solicits papers presented at the SuperDARN Workshop held in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi, Japan in June, 2019. It is also open to those who did not attend the meeting.

  • Official Open Call for Papers at Polar Science journal web page
  • Journal page:
  • Submission page: will be open in late August, 2019 in the new Elsevier submission system
  • Submission deadline: December 31st, 2019
  • Submission fee: Free of charge if the number of color pages is within 1 page and Open Access after embargo period of 24 months is accepted. (USD 2500 for APC in case of full Open Access without embargo period, and USD 295 per figure/table for 2nd and more color pages are required.)
  • Questions on submission? Ask Polar Science Editorial Office (email:
  • MGE: A. Sessai Yukimatu (NIPR, Japan)

Dr. Nozomu Nishitani (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.) has been elected as a vice Chair of the SuperDARN Executive Council. June, 2019

During the SuperDARN Workshop 2019 (2-7 June 2019, Highland Resort Hotel & Spa, Fujiyoshida, Japan), SuperDARN Executive Council meeting was held on Monday. It was announced that the Prof. Mark Lester would step down from the Chair of the Executive Council. The new system has a Chair and two vice Chairs. Prof. Kathryn McWilliams from University of Saskatchewan, Canada has been elected as the Chair, and Dr. Aurélie Marchaudon from IRAP, France / Dr. Nozomu Nishitani from ISEE, Nagoya University have been elected as the vice Chairs, with 5-year term.