
Ice Core Research Center
National Institute of Polar Research
Research Organization of Information and Systems(ROIS)
Midori-chou 10-3, Tachikawa, Tokyo, 190-8518 JAPAN

大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立極地研究所内
〒190-8518 東京都立川市緑町10-3
All Rights Reserved, Copyright ©
National Institute of Polar Research 

Education for graduate students

  NIPR has joined the education system of the SOKENDAI five-year integrated doctoral program. Students can study at Department of Polar Science, School of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Graduate University for Advanced Studies.

In addition, NIPR accepts research activities of graduate students who belong to universities outside of NIPR if requested and approved. The status of such graduate students from universities shall be as a  "Special Collaborative Researcher". 

If you are interested in other Japanese universities that perform research activities related to ice cores, please visit the web page of the Ice Core ConsortiumYou will find exciting research at the universities and institutes listed therein.

 A list of academic staffs of NIPR is available here.
Home page of the Polar Meteorology and Glaciology (PMG) of NIPR is here.

 The ICRC welcomes visiting students who are interested in studies related to ICRC, PMG, and/or NIPR. Students will be able to talk with academic staff, post-doctoral researchers, and other students by visiting NIPR. Students will be able to learn about the types of academic activities that are available at NIPR.

 There is a travel fee support fund for young students to visit NIPR while considering becoming a student of NIPR. Please contact the academic staff of NIPR if you would like to receive this travel fee support.

NIPR(Main Entrance in the north)

NIPR (a view from south)