
Ice Core Research Center
National Institute of Polar Research
Research Organization of Information and Systems(ROIS)
Midori-chou 10-3, Tachikawa, Tokyo, 190-8518 JAPAN

大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立極地研究所内
〒190-8518 東京都立川市緑町10-3
All Rights Reserved, Copyright ©
National Institute of Polar Research 


Laboratory facilities for ice core analysis

ICRC has modern facilities and instruments for ice core analysis.

  Low-temperature room facilities.
    Please visit the  website of the NIPR (Low temperature room facilities). Facilities for research activities in the temperature range of polar regions and facilities for sample storage are provided. 

  Facilities and instruments for ice core analysis
A detailed list of the items below is provided on the Japanese web page. (Use the translation function of your web browser.)

  Low-temperature freezers
We have three freezers for research activities involving temperatures down to -153°C. 
 Instruments for cutting and microtoming
We have band saws and microtomes for cutting and making flat surfaces on ice core samples.
Instruments related to physics-based analysis
The ICRC has both standard and cutting-edge instruments, including electrical profiling techniques such as electrical conductivity measurements (ECM), AC-ECM, and dielectric profiling (DEP) devices.
Technologies to investigate micro-structures
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and 3D micro CT devices.
Basic infrastructure for a chemical laboratory 
Clean rooms and facilities to produce distilled and deionized water, and balances.
Instruments for chemical analysis 
Instruments to measure ions, water isotopes, dust, and so on.
Instruments to measure atmospheric components 

  Resources for ice drilling and borehole logging

Drills for shallow (200 m) ice cores
Drills for middle range depth (500 m) ice cores
Hand augers