2. |
Space Physics Online Seminar in China
2022.6.8 LODEWAVE (LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica)
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NCAR HAO Colloquium
2015.9.23 Balloon-borne observations of stratospheric water vapor over Antarctica and its dehydration process
Youtube |
48. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaho, L. Yoshida, R. Kawakami,
Preliminary results of LODEWAVE Phase II (LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
The 15th Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2024.
47. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaho, and L. Yoshida,
LODEWAVE Phase II (Long-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
The 14th Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2023.
46. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaho, and L. Yoshida,
First Campaign Results of LODEWAVE (LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
ISAR-7, NIPR, 2023.
45. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaho, and L. Yoshida,
First Campaign Results of LODEWAVE (LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science, online, 2022.
44. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, T. Kaho, and L. Yoshida,
LODEWAVE (LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
5th International ANGWIN Workshop, KOPRI(Korea), 2022.
43. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, L. Yoshida,
Preliminary results of LODEWAVE,
COSPAR2022, online, 2022.
42. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, L. Yoshida,
LODEWAVE (Long-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, online, 2022.
41. |
Tomikawa, Y, K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matsuo, M. Fujiwara, L. Yoshida,
Current status of LODEWAVE (Long-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica),
The 11th Symposium on Polar Science, online, 2020.
40. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Effects of solar proton events on ozone and temperature in the satellite and reanalysis data,
ISAR6 online meeting, online, 2020.
39. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Effects of solar proton events on ozone and temperature in the latest reanalysis data,
The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2019.
38. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Atmospheric response to solar proton events in the latest reanalysis data,
VarSITI Completion General Symposium, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2019.
37. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
NIPR trajectory model (NITRAM) & Meteorological field display system,
NIPR workshop for international collaboration on atmospheric science, NIPR, 2018.
36. |
Tomikawa, Y., V. L. Harvey, J. A. Knox, and M. Fujiwara,
Semiannual oscillation and stratopause Hadley circulation around the tropical stratopause in the latest reanalysis data,
NIPR workshop for international collaboration on atmospheric science, NIPR, 2018.
35. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, and M. Kohma,
Super-pressure balloon observation of gravity waves over the Antarctic,
The Ninth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2018.
34. |
Tomikawa, Y., V. L. Harvey, J. A. Knox, and M. Fujiwara,
Comparison of atmospheric fields in the tropical upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere between multiple reanalysis data,
COSPAR 2018, Pasadena (USA), 2018.
33. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Kohma, M. Takeda, and K. Sato,
Moistening of the Antarctic upper troposphere observed by balloonborne water vapor measurements,
ISAR-5, Tokyo, 2018.
32. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Kohma, M. Takeda, and K. Sato,
Moistening of the Antarctic upper troposphere via the warm conveyor belt,
The Eighth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2017.
31. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Kohma, M. Takeda, and K. Sato,
Balloonborne ozone and water vapor measurements around the Antarctic tropopause region in winter of 2016,
Joint SPARC Dynamics & Observations Workshop, Kyoto, 2017.
30. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Kohma, M. Takeda, and K. Sato,
Fine vertical structure of the Antarctic tropopause region in winter of 2016 obtained by balloonborne ozone and water vapor observations,
IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly 2017, Cape Town, 2017.
29. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the SH middle atmosphere in the latest reanalysis data,
The Seventh Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2016.
28. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Multiple regression analysis of the latest reanalysis data,
Japan-Germany WS on Arctic Science, Univ. Tokyo, 2016.
27. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Dynamical response of the SH middle atmosphere to energetic particle precipitations in the latest reanalysis data,
International Symoposium on the Whole Atmosphere, Univ. Tokyo, 2016.
26. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
A simple representation of gravity wave transmissivity from the ground to an airglow layer,
3rd International ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network (ANGWIN) science workshop, Cambridge (UK), 2016.
25. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Gravity wave transmission diagram,
Workshop on ground- and satellite-based imaging observations of gravity waves and their comparison to simulations, NIPR, 2016.
24. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Dynamical response of the middle atmosphere to energetic particle precipitations in the latest reanalysis data,
The Sixth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2015.
23. |
(INVITED)Tomikawa, Y.,
Dehydration processes inside the Antarctic polar vortex,
2nd COSPAR symposium Water and Life in the Universe, Foz do Iguacu (Brazil), 2015.
22. |
Miyoshi, Y., Y. Tomikawa, T. Nakamura, K. Yamazaki, K. Iwamoto, M. Honda, J. Ukita, Y. Ogawa,
Stratospheric variability associated with Arctic sea ice loss,
Deutsch-Japanischer Workshop, Potsdam (Germany), 2015.
21. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Lagrangian analysis of dehydration processes inside the Antarctic polar vortex,
Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, Kyoto Univ., 2015.
20. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Trajectory-based analysis of dehydration processes inside the Antarctic polar vortex,
AOGS2015, Singapore, 2015.
19. |
(INVITED)Nakamura, T., K. Sato, M. Tsutsumi, T. Yamanouchi, T. Sato, Y. Tomikawa, K. Nishimura, M. K. Ejiri, M. Abo, T. T. Tsuda, T. Kawahara, H. Suzuki, A. Mizuno, T. Nagahama, H. Yamagishi, A. S. Yukimatu, M. Kohma, Y. Isono, T. Nishiyama, and T. S. Matsuda,
Recent observations and studies of the middle and upper atmosphere at Syowa Station (39.6E, 69S),
AOGS2015, Singapore, 2015.
18. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Dynamical response of the SH middle atmosphere to energetic particle precipitations,
Workshop on Energetic Particle Precipitations and its impacts on Middle Atmosphere, Nagoya Univ., 2015.
17. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Dehydration process inside the Antarctic polar vortex in 2013,
The 13th PANSY workshop, NIPR, 2015.
16. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Variations of the Arctic middle atmosphere during stratospheric sudden warming events,
GRENE-AWI WS on Atmosphere Research 2014, JAMSTEC Tokyo Office, 2014.
15. |
Tomikawa, Y., S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, K. Miyazaki, M. Takahashi, and K. Sato,
Study of recovery processes after the major stratospheric sudden warming using a high-resolution GCM,
Workshop on Polar Mesosphere-Thermosphere Studies, NIPR, 2011.
14. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
A recovery mechanism after the major stratospheric sudden warmings,
33rd Symposium on Space and Upper Atmospheric Sciences in the Polar Regions, NIPR, 2009.
13. |
Kinoshita, T., Y. Tomikawa, and K. Sato,
Three-dimensional wave activity flux applicable to gravity waves,
PSU Gravity Wave Workshop 2009, Penn. State Univ., 2009.
12. |
(INVITED)Tomikawa, Y., S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, K. Miyazaki, M. Takahashi, and K. Sato,
Wintertime temperature maximum at the subtropical stratopause in a T213L256 AGCM,
International CAWSES Symposium, Kyoto Univ., 2007.
11. |
Sato, K., Y. Tomikawa, H. Nakajima, and T. Sugita,
Londitudinally-dependent ozone recovery in the Antarctic polar vortex revealed by satellite-onboard ILAS-II observation in 2003,
AGU Chapman Conference on the Role of the Stratosphere in Climate and Climate Change, Santorini (Greece), 2007.
10. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of stratospheric sudden warmings,
Seventh International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA-7), Fairbanks, 2007.
9. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Two-way transport due to diffusion across the potential vorticity contour,
COE International Workshop on Turbulence in the Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space, Univ. Tokyo, 2007.
8. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of the NH polar vortex evolution,
2006 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2006.
7. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Modified Lagrangian-mean diagnostic applied to the polar vortex evolution,
Spontaneous Imbalance Workshop #1, Seattle, 2006.
6. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of the stratospheric circulation,
Ozone workshop in Matsushima, Matsushima, 2006.
5. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, and T. G. Shepherd,
An interpretation of tropopause disturbances from a wave perspective,
IAMAS 2005, Beijing, 2005.
4. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Neutral wave observed in the Antarctic stratosphere,
12th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, 2004.
3. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, and T. G. Shepherd,
Baroclinic interaction between medium-scale tropopausal waves and short-period disturbances around the polar vortex edge,
11th Annual MAM/GCC Workshop, Toronto, 2003.
2. |
Tomikawa, Y., and K. Sato,
Interaction between medium-scale tropopausal waves and short-period disturbances trapped around the polar vortex edge,
IUGG 2003, Sapporo, 2003.
1. |
Tomikawa, Y., and K. Sato,
Short-period disturbances trapped in the edge region of stratospheric polar vortices,
International Symposium on Stratospheric Variations and Climate, Fukuoka, 2002. |
18. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, Y. Saito, I. Murata, N. Hirasawa, M. Kohma, K. Nakashino, D. Akita, T. Matuso, M. Fujiwara, R. Yoshida,
LODEWAVE: LOng-Duration balloon Experiment of gravity WAVE over Antarctica,
The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 2019.
17. |
Tomikawa, Y., V. L. Harvey, J. A. Knox, and M. Fujiwara,
Comparison of climatological atmospheric fields in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere between multiple reanalysis data,
SPARC General Assembly 2018, Kyoto, 2018.
16. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Response of the middle atmosphere in the southern hemisphere to energetic particle precipitation in the latest reanalysis data,
JpGU Meeting 2018, Makuhari, 2018.
15. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Vertical and meridional extent of effects of energetic particle precipitation,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari, 2017.
14. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Vertical and meridional extent of effects of energetic particle precipitation,
The 2nd PSTEP International Symposium (PSTEP-2), Kyoto Univ., 2017.
13. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
NIPR Trajectory Model (NITRAM) and Meteorological Field Display System,
ASSW2015/ISAR-4, Toyama, 2015.
12. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, M. Tsutsumi, T. Nakamura, and N. Hirasawa,
Balloon-borne Observations of Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor at the Antarctic Syowa Station,
AMS 18th Conference on Middle Atmosphere, Phoenix (USA), 2015.
11. |
Tomikawa, Y.,
Shear instability during the recovery of stratospheric sudden warmings,
ISAR-2, Tokyo, 2010.
10. |
Tomikawa, Y., and M. Tsutsumi,
Diurnal tides observed by an MF radar at Syowa Antarctic Station,
MOCA-09, Montreal (Canada), 2009.
9. |
Tomikawa, Y., and M. Tsutsumi,
Diurnal wind variations observed by an MF radar at Syowa Antarctic Station,
15th AMS Middle Atmosphere Conference, Stowe (USA), 2009.
8. |
Tomikawa, Y., and K. Sato,
Ozone enhanced layers in the Antarctic ozone hole,
4th SPARC General Assembly, Bologna (Italy), 2008.
7. |
Tomikawa, Y., S. Watanabe, Y. Kawatani, K. Miyazaki, M. Takahashi, and K. Sato,
A mechanism for the wintertime temperature maxima at the subtropical stratopause in a T213L256 AGCM,
AGU Chapman Conference on the Role of the Stratosphere in Climate and Climate Change, Santorini (Greece), 2007.
6. |
Watanabe, S., Y. Tomikawa, Y. Kawatani, K. Miyazaki, M. Takahashi, and K. Sato,
Wintertime temperature maxima at the subtropical stratopause in a T213L256 AGCM,
14th AMS Middle Atmosphere Conference, Portland (USA), 2007.
5. |
Tomikawa, Y., K. Sato, K. Miyazaki, T. Iwasaki, and K. Shibata,
Modified Lagrangian-mean analysis of the polar vortex evolution,
AGU Chapman Conference on Jets and Annular Structures in Geophysical Fluids, Savannah (USA), 2006.
4. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Yoshiki, T. G. Shepherd, and K. Sato,
Neutral wave observed in the Antarctic polar vortex,
IAGA 2005, Toulouse (France), 2005.
3. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Yoshiki, N. Kizu, K. Sato, and T. G. Shepherd,
Short-period disturbance observed in the Antarctic stratosphere,
SPARC 2004, Victoria (Canada), 2004.
2. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Fujiwara, K. Kita, K. Sato, M. Yamamori, and M. Yoshiki,
An origin of the laminated structure of ozone in the lower stratosphere,
SPARC 2000, Mar del Plata (Argentina), 2000.
1. |
Tomikawa, Y., M. Fujiwara, K. Kita, K. Sato, M. Yamamori, and M. Yoshiki,
An Origin of the Laminated Structure of Ozone in the Lower Stratosphere,
QUADRENNIAL OZONE SYMPOSIUM -Sapporo 2000-, Sapporo, 2000.