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  2. Hosokawa K., Ogawa, T., Arnold, N. F., Lester, M., Sato, N., Yukimatu, A. S., Extraction of polar mesosphere summer echoes from SuperDARN data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L12801, doi:10.1029/2005GL022788. 20005,2005.
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  4. Hosokawa,K., Ogawa,T., Arnold,N.F., Lester,M., Sato,N., and Yukimatu,A.S., Extraction of polar mesosphere summer echoes from SuperDARN data, Geophysical Research Letters. 32, L12801, doi:10.1029/2005GL022788.2005.
  5. Holzworth, Robert H., Bering III, Edgar A., Kokorowski, Michael F., Lay, Erin H., Reddell, Brandon., Akira Kadokura., Hisao Yamagishi., Natsuo Sato., Masaki Ejiri., Haruto Hirosawa., Takamasa Yamagami., Shoji Torii., Fumio Tohyama., Michio Nakagawa., Toshimi Okada and Dowden, Richard L., Balloon observations of temporal variation in the global circuit compared to global lightning activity, Advances in Space Research, Volume 36, Issue 11, Pages 2223-2228, 2005.
  6. Bering III, Edgar A., Holzworth, Robert H., Reddell, Brandon D., Kokorowski, Michael F., Akira Kadokura., Hisao Yamagishi., Natsuo Sato., Masaki Ejiri., Haruto Hirosawa., Takamasa Yamagami., Shoji Torii., Fumio Tohyama., Michio Nakagawa and Toshimi Okada., Balloon observations of temporal and spatial fluctuations in stratospheric conductivity, Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 8, 1434-1449, 2005.
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  8. Mukumoto, K., Fukuda, A., Nagasawa, M., Yoshihiro, Y., Nakano, K., Ohichi, S., Yamagishi, H., Sato, N., Kadokura, A., Yang, H., Wu Yao, M., Zhang, S., He, G. and Jin, L., VHF data transmission experiments using MBC equipment conducted during the period from JARE-43 to JARE-45, Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 19, 89-105, 2005.
  9. Taguchi,S., Hosokawa,K., Murata,Y., Nakao,A., Collier,M.R., Moore,T.E., Sato,N., and Yukimatu,A.S., Neutral atom emission coming from the direction of the high-latitude magnetopause under northward IMF, Advances in Polar Upper Atmospheric Research, 20,17-26, 2006.
  10. Izutsu,N., Iijima,I., Kawasaki,T., Matsuzaka,Y., Namiki,M., Ohta,S., Saito,Y., Toriumi,M., Yamagami,T., Ebihara,Y., Ejiri,M., Kadokura,A.., Sato,N., Yamagishi,H., Katayose,Y., Tomida,Y., Fujii,M., Kasahara,K., Murakami,H., Konno,Y., and Uchiyama,S., Japanese polar patrol balloon experiments from 2002 to 2004, Advances in Space Research, 37, 2043-2051,2006.
  11. Taguchi,S., Hosokawa,K., Nakao,A., Collier,M.R., Moore,T.E., Yamazaki,A., Sato,N., and Yukimatsu,A.S., Neutral atom emission in the direction of the high-latitude magnetopause for northward IMF:Simultaneous observations from IMAGE spacecraft and SuperDARN radar,Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L03101, doi:10.1029/2005GL025020,2006.
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  13. Rashid, A. A. Z., Momani, M. A., Sl Sulaiman., Ali, M. A. M., Yatim, B., Fraser,G., and Sato,N., GPS ionospheric TEC measurement during the 23rd November 2003 total solar eclipse at Scott Base Antarctica, J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68, 1219-1236, 2006.
  14. Shiokawa, K., Seki, K., Miyoshi, Y., Ieda, A., Ono, T., Iizima, M., Nagatsuma, T., Obara, T., Takashima, T., Asamura, K., Kasaba, Y., Matsuoka, A., Saito, Y., Saito, H., Hirahara, M., Tonegawa, Y., Toyama, F., Tanaka, M., Nose, M., Kasahara, Y., Yumoto, K., Kawano, H., Yoshikawa, A., Ebihara, Y., Yukimatsu, A., Sato, N., Watanabe, S., ERG - A small-satellite mission to investigate the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere, Adv. Space Res., 38(8),1861-1869, 2006.
  15. Hiyama,Y., Ono, T., Iizima, M., Miasawa, H., Tsuchiya, F., Morioka, A., and Sato, N., Initial Results of Husafell Solar Radio Spectrograph, Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 20,76-85,2006.
  16. Tohru Sakurai, Akira Kadokura, Natsuo Sato and Yutaka Tonegawa, Similarity and dissimilarity of conjugate relationships of Pi magnetic pulsations observed during excellent similar auroras, Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 20,1-16, 2006.
  17. Taguchi,S., Hosokawa,K., Nakao,A., Collier,M.R. Moore,T.E., Yamazaki,A., Sato,N., and Yukimatu,A.S., Neutral atom emission in the direction of the high-latitude magnetopause for northward IMF: Simultaneous observations from IMAGE spacecraft and SuperDARN radar, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L03101, doi:10.1029/2005GL025020, 2006.
  18. Takasaki,S., Kawano,H., Tanaka, Y., Yoshikawa, A., Seto, M., Iizima, M., Obana, Y., Sato, N., and Yumoto, K., Ground-based observations of a significant decrease in the field line resonance frequency at L < 1.4 during a large magnetic storm, Earth, Planets and Space, 58, 617-622, 2006