1.Ice Core as a Time Cupsule for Environmental Information 2.Approach to the Mysteries of the Mechanism of Glacier - Interglacier Cycle
3.The Mechanism of Meteorological and Environmental Changes, 4.Dome Fuji Station, 5.Deep Ice Drilling System, 6.Schedule



JARE44 (Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition 44th) re-open the Dome Fuji Station and prepare the drilling operation. Drilling operation is carried out from 2003/04 to 2005/06 season, and reach to 3000-m depth. The drilling and analysis team is despatched by airplane in summer. The cargo shipment for the operation is done by snow trucks from the Showa station.

JAREYearObservationsTransportations Traverse observation
42-Winter2001Drill pirot holeSnow truck transport
Test Flight
43-Winter2002Build Drill Trench, renew the base facilitiesSnow truck transport
Test Flight
44-Winter2003Dome Fuji wintering observation
Built Drill and Science trench
Snow truck transportyes
Start Drill OperationDespatched members by airplane
Snow truck transport

Drilling OperationDespatched members by airplane
Snow truck transport

Drill OperationDespatched members by airplane 
47次冬2006Observe the drill hole  
#Traverse observation
Investigation of accumulation rate and ice frow at the route from the Showa sta. to Dome Fuji sta.
#Observation the drill hole
Investigate the profiles of vertical flow, vertical strain rate, and ice temperater using the drill hole.

1.Ice Core as a Time Cupsule for Environmental Information 2.Approach to the Mysteries of the Mechanism of Glacier - Interglacier Cycle
3.The Mechanism of Meteorological and Environmental Changes, 4.Dome Fuji Station, 5.Deep Ice Drilling System, 6.Schedule

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