Make Geomagnetic projection plot of Watec Monochromatic Imager (WMI) Data at Syowa Station
Number of images in 1 page: Horizontal: 1 2 3 4 5 Vertical: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plot color table (1: gray scale 2: normal color 3: special color): 1 2 3 Lowest Latitude (deg): Highest Latitude (deg): Minimum Longitude (deg): Maximum Longitude (deg): Map Hemisphere:: North South Both Station FOV min. Elevation (deg): Projection Altitude (km): Camera No (1: 427,8nm (N2+ING) 2: 557.7nm (OI) 3: 486.0nm (HƒÀ) 4: 480.0nm (HƒÀBG)): 1 2 3 4 Minimum Intensity (bit) (0-255): Maximum Intensity (bit) (0-255):