WMI keogram QL plot WMI keogram QL plot viewer  WMI movie viewer  WMI information

Make Geomagnetic projection plot of Watec Monochromatic Imager (WMI) Data at Syowa Station

Number of images in 1 page: Horizontal: Vertical:

Plot color table (1: gray scale 2: normal color 3: special color):

Lowest Latitude (deg): Highest Latitude (deg):

Minimum Longitude (deg): Maximum Longitude (deg):

Map Hemisphere:: Station FOV min. Elevation (deg): Projection Altitude (km):

Camera No (1: 427,8nm (N2+ING) 2: 557.7nm (OI) 3: 486.0nm (HƒÀ) 4: 480.0nm (HƒÀBG)):

Minimum Intensity (bit) (0-255): Maximum Intensity (bit) (0-255):

Start: year: month: day: hour: minute: second:

End: year: month: day: hour: minute: second:

Plot Interval (sec):