Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research

No. 18


Simulation of high energy tail of elctron distribution function
Bjorn Gustavsson, Timothy Sergienko, Ingemar Haggstrom,
Farideh Honary and Takehiko Aso . . . 1

Observations of hard X-rays of auroral origin with Polar Patrol Balloons No. 8 and 10
Tomokazu Nakamura, Yusuke Ebihara, Masaki Ejiri, Akira Kadokura, Naoki Matsumoto,
Yukihiro Matsuzaka, Kenji Mukai, Hiroyuki Murakami, Michio Nakagawa,
Michiyoshi Namiki, Naoya Oshima, Yoshitaka Saito, Natsuo Sato, Hiromu Suzuki,
Wataru Takahashi, Masami Uchida, Takamasa Yamagami,
Hisao Yamagishi, Mikio Yamamoto and Makoto Yamauchi . . . 10

Solar activity dependence of two types of east-west geomagnetic disturbances at mid latitudes
Shinfya Nakano . . . 23

Cusp-latitude conjugate ionospheric absorption associated with increase of solar wind dynamic pressure during strong northward IMF\a case study
Masanori Nishino, Hisao Yamagishi, Natsuo Sato and Ruiyuan Liu . . . 35

Simultaneous observations of the cusp with IMAGE Low Energy Neutral Atom imager and SuperDARN radar
Satoshi Taguchi, Keisuke Hosokawa, Michael R. Collier, Thomas E. Moore, Mei-Ching Fok,
Akira S. Yukimatu, Natsuo Sato and Raymond A. Greenwald . . . 53

Observation of ionospheric Alfven resonance at a middle latitude station
Masashi Hayakawa, Oleg A. Molchanov, Alexander Yu. Schekotov and Evgeny Fedorov . . . 65

Characteristics of subionospheric VLF perturbations associated with winter lightning around Japan
Takuya Otsuyama, Jun Manabe and Masashi Hayakawa . . . 77

Research note

Day-to-day variations of migrating semidiurnal tide simulated by a general circulation model
Yasunobu Miyoshi and Hitoshi Fujiwara . . . 87

Auroral O {732/733 nm emission and its relation to ion upflow
Naoko Koizumi, Shoichi Okano, Takeshi Sakanoi, Makoto Taguchi and Takehiko Aso . . . 96

Event-oriented modelling of magnetic fields and currents during storms
Natalia Yu. Ganushkina, Tuija I. Pulkkinen, Marina V. Kubyshkina, Masaki Ejiri,
Howard J. Singer and Christopher T. Russell . . . 105

Evolution of the ring current energy during May 2]4, 1998 magnetic storm
.Natalia Yu. Ganushkina, Jussi Korhonen, Tuija I. Pulkkinen,
Yusuke Ebihara, Masaki Ejiri and Ted Fritz . . . 111

A Multi-Instrument Data Analysis toolbox
Steve R. Marple and Farideh Honary . . . 120


Sodium temperature lidar observation at Syowa Station: Summary of three-year observations and unusually high temperature in 2002
Takuya D. Kawahara, Tsukasa Kitahara, Joji Yamashita, Fumitoshi Kobayashi,
Yasunori Saito and Akio Nomura . . . 131

A new all-sky optics for aurora and airglow imaging
Makoto Taguchi, Masaki Ejiri and Kei Tomimatsu . . . 140

Author index. . . . . . . . . . 151