Advances in Polar Upper
Atmosphere Research
No. 16
The high-latitude artificial
aurora of 21 February 1999: An analysis
············ ······································ M. J. Kosch, M. T. Rietveld, T. K. Yeoman,
Cierpka and T. Hagfors········· 1
Evaluation of the region 1 field-aligned current from the
low-latitude boundary layer using the 1989 Tsyganenko model
············ ····························· Takashi Yamamoto, Masao Ozaki and Shoshi Inoue······· 13
Characteristics of negative
values of polar cap index as an indicator of reversed convection
············ ·············································································· Tsutomu Nagatsuma······· 36
On the energy of the
poloidal magnetic field near the ionosphere
············ ············ Akimasa
Yoshikawa, Masahiro Itonaga and Kiyohumi Yumoto······· 45
Comparison of
flow angle variations of E-region
echo characteristics at VHF and HF
············ ············· R.
A. Makarevitch, A. V. Koustov, K. Igarashi, K. Ohtaka,
N. Nishitani, N.Sato, H. Yamagishi
and A. S. Yukimatu······· 59
E region echoes observed with
the Syowa HF radar under disturbed geomagnetic conditions
············ ························· Tadahiko Ogawa, Nozomu Nishitani, Natsuo Sato,
Yamagishi and Akira Sessai Yukimatu······· 84
A new meridian imaging
spectrogarph for the auroral spectroscopy
············ ························· Makoto Taguchi, Shoichi Okano, Takeshi Sakanoi,
Koizumi, Takehiko Aso and Masaki Ejiri······· 99
Research Note
mesosphere winter echoes during solar proton events
············ ··········· S.
Kirkwood, V. Barabash, E. Belova, H. Nilsson, T. N. Rao,
Stebel, A. Osepian and Phillip B. Chilson····· 111
SC-triggered plasma waves
observed by the Akebono Satellite in the Polar Regions and the Plasmasphere
············ ··································· Atsuki Shinbori, Takayuki Ono and Hiroshi Oya····· 126
New model of plasma convection during transpolar arc events
············ ······················ Hitoshi Nakai, Yosuke Kamide and Mitchell
Brittnacher····· 136
New auroral spectrometer using an acousto-optic tunable filter
··········· ··· Kazuo
Shiokawa, Yasuo Katoh, Mitsugi Satoh, Tadahiko Ogawa,
Taguchi and Hisao Yamagishi····· 146
Patrol Balloon experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003
············ ······· Akira Kadokura, Hisao Yamagishi, Natsuo Sato, Masaki Ejiri,
Hirosawa, Takamasa Yamagami, Shoji Torii,
Tohyama, Michio Nakagawa,
Okada and Edgar A. Bering····· 157
Calibration of
CRL all-sky imagers using an integrating sphere
··········· ···················· Masa-yuki Yamamoto, Minoru Kubota, Shu Takeshita,
Ishii, Yasuhiro Murayama and Masaki Ejiri.····· 173
A new method for monitoring
and removing SuperDARN radar DC offsets
··········· ·············· Akira Sessai Yukimatu, Masaki Tsutsumi, Hisao Yamagishi
Natsuo Sato····· 181
to contributors··································································································· 193
index··············································································································· 195