station information data coverage
(previous UAPM system)
data coverage
(SYOWA new system)
data coverage
(Iceland new system)
 data coverage
(Iceland new system2)

Plot the Syowa - Iceland Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring Data

Plot format: Horizontal axis factor: Vertical axis factor:

Start: year: month: day: hour: minute: second:

End: year: month: day: hour: minute: second:

Set Reference date & time (between the Start and End time):
year: month: day: hour: minute: second:

select for plot Choose Station & Item for Plot Maximum value
Minimum value
for plot (nT)
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item:
Station: Item: