Workshop Program
March 10 (Mon)
09:50-11:50 Session 1
09:50-10:20 K. Sato (U. Tokyo), M. Tsutsumi (NIPR), T.Sato (Kyoto U.),
T. Nakamura (NIPR), A. Saito (Kyoto U.), Y. Tomikawa, K. Nishimura, H.
Yamagishi, Y. Yamanouchi (NIPR)
Current status of Program of Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar (PANSY)
10:20-10:40 K.Nishimura (NIPR), T.Sato (Kyoto U.), T.Nakamura, M.Tsutsumi
(NIPR), K.Sato (U. Tokyo)
Beamforming for accurate wind measurement with PANSY radar
10:40-11:10 J. Gong (NASA), J. Yue and D. L. Wu
Global survey of concentric gravity wave characteristics using AIRS (INVITED)
11:10-11:30 R. Shibuya, K. Sato (U. Tokyo), Y. Tomikawa, M. Tsutsumi (NIPR)
and T. Sato (Kyoto Univ.)
Dynamical mechanism of multiple tropopause structure observed at Syowa
11:30-11:50 T. Matsuda, T. Nakamura, M. K. Ejiri, M. Tsutsumi (NIPR), K.
Shiokawa (Nagoya U.)
New statistical analysis of gravity waves observed by airglow imaging at
Syowa Stations (69S, 39E), Antarctica
(11:50-13:30 Lunch)
13:30-15:30 Session 2
13:30-13:50 Y. Yasuda, K. Sato (U. Tokyo), and N. Sugimoto (Keio U.)
Physical Interpretation in the spontaneous radiation of inertia-gravity
waves using the renormalization group method
13:50-14:20 D. L. Wu (UCLA/JIFRESSE)
Atmospheric couplings through dynamical waves and electric circuit (INVITED)
14:20-14:40 T. Kinoshita (NICT), K. Sato (U. Tokyo), M. H. Hitchman (U.
Three dimensional structure of material transport by waves from troposphere
to stratosphere
14:40-15:00 M. K. Ejiri, T. T. Tsuda, T. Nishiyama (NIPR), M. Abo (Tokyo
Metropolitan U.), Y. Tomikawa (NIPR), H. Suzuki (Rikkyo U.), T. D. Kawahara
(Shinshu U.), M. Tsutsumi and T. Nakamura (NIPR),
Sub-project I members of JARE VIII-th term prioritized research project
Current status of observations by Rayleigh/Raman lidar and developments
of resonance scattering lidar in JARE VIII-th term prioritized research
15:00-15:30 Seok-Woo Son (Seoul National U.), P. Martineau (McGill U.)
Stratosphere Sudden Warming: Vertical Coupling around the Onset (INVITED)
(15:30-15:50 Coffee break)
15:50-17:30 Session 3
15:50-16:10 M. Kohma and K. Sato (U. Tokyo)
Time Variation of Upper Tropospheric Clouds in the Polar Region During
Sudden Stratospheric Warming
16:10-16:40 H. Akiyoshi, M. Kadowaki, T. Sugita(NIES), H. Nakamura(Fujitsu
FIP), T. Nakamura (NIPR), A. Mizuno (Nagoya U.)
Total ozone reduction over Rio Gallegos (Argentina) in November 2009 simulated
by MIROC3.2 Chemical Transport Model (INVITED)
16:40-17:00 M. Kadowaki and H. Akiyoshi (NIES)
Relationship between total ozone, ozone destruction processes and wave
activities in the Antarctic region
17:00-17:30 Y. Isono, A. Mizuno, T. Nagahama, Y. Miyoshi (Nagoya U.), R.
Kataoka, M. Tsutsumi, M. K. Ejiri (NIPR), H. Fujiwara (Seikei U.), H. Maezawa
(Osaka Prefecture U.), M. Uemura (Nagoya U.), T. Nakamura (NIPR)
Temporal variations of nitric oxide in the MLT region over Syowa Station (INVITED)
March 11 (Tue)
09:50-11:50 Session 4
09:50-10:20 S. Alexander, D. Murphy, A. Klekociuk, J. French, and P. Love
(Australian Antarctic Division)
Australian Antarctic research at the Davis atmospheric observatory (INVITED)
10:20-10:40 C. Kodama, T. Nasuno, S. Watanabe (JAMSTEC), H. Kubokawa (U.
Tokyo), M. Satoh (U.Tokyo / JAMSTEC)
Constructing the middle-atmosphere version of non-hydrostatic global atmospheric
model NICAM
10:40-11:10 Yoshio Kawatani (JAMSTEC), Jae N. Lee (U. Maryland), Kevin
Hamilton (U. Hawaii)
Interannual variations of stratospheric water vapor in MLS observation
and climate model simulation (INVITED)
11:10-11:30 A. Amemiya, K. Sato (U. Tokyo)
A new gravity wave drag parameterization scheme including three-dimensional
11:30-11:50 T. Sakazaki(Kyoto U.), K. Sato (U. Tokyo), Y. Kawatani, S.
Tropical non-migrating tides appearing in a high resolution GCM
(11:50-13:30 Lunch)
13:30-15:30 Session 5
13:30-14:00 Y. Miyoshi (Kyushu U.), H. Jin (NICT), H. Fujiwara (Seikei
U.), H. Shinagawa (NICT)
Impact of upward propagating atmospheric waves on the upper atmosphere (INVITED)
14:00-14:20 M. Tsutsumi (NIPR)
A brief review on Antarctic MLT radar studies
14:20-14:50 Joe She (Colorado State U.)
MLT science enabled by a Na lidar: Gravity wave breaking and tidal-period
perturbations (INVITED)
14:50-15:10 Y. Murayama, T. Kinoshita, S. Kawamura (NICT), S. Nozawa (Nagoya
U.), and C. Hall (Toromso U.)
Tidal periodicity of mesospheric gravity waves observed with MF radar at
Poker Flat, Alaska and at Tromso, Norway
15:10-15:30 T. Nishiyama (NIPR), K. Sato (U. Tokyo), T. Sato (Kyoto U.),
M. Tsutsumi, T. Nakamura, K. Nishimura (NIPR), M. Kohma (U. Tokyo), Y.
Tomikawa, M. Ejiri, and T. Tsuda (NIPR)
Property of Polar Mesosphere Winter Echo revealed by PANSY radar
(15:30-15:50 Coffee break)
15:50-17:30 Session 6
15:50-16:10 D. L. Wu, J. Gong (NASA), V. Limpasuvan
Solar cycle in quasi two-day waves (QTDW): true or spurious?
16:10-16:30 T. Nakamura (NIPR), J. Kero (IRF), S. Szasz (IRF), D. Kastinen
(U. of Lulee), J. Watanabe(NAOJ), M. Yamamoto (Kyoto U.), Y. Tanaka (NIPR),
S. Abe (Nihon U.), and MURMHED members
Meteor head echo orbit observations by high power large aparture radarand
an open database, MURMHED
16:30-16:50 S. Saito, T. Yoshihara (Electronic Navigation Research Institute),
Y. Otsuka (Nagoya U.), and M. Yamamoto (Kyoto U.)
Ionospheric anomaly monitoring by VHF radar multi-beam observations for
16:50-17:10 A. Saito (Kyoto U.) and IMAP working group
Airglow structures in the mesosphere and the ionosphere observed by ISS-IMAP
17:10-17:30 H. Miyaoka (NIPR), S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, S. Oyama, R. Fujii
(Nagaya U.), and T. Nakamura (NIPR)
Current status of the EISCAT radars and its future (EISCAT_3D)
17:30-17:50 Discussions