Global seismological data centers, relating SYO availability

International Seismological Center (ISC)

National EarthquakeInformation Center of the United States Geological Survey (NEIC/USGS)

Federation of Digital Broad-Band Seismograph Networks (FDSN)

Data Management Syetem, the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS/DMS)

PACIFIC21 (POSEIDON) data center

Ocean Hemishere Project Data Management Center of the Earthquake Research Institute (OHP/ERI), the University of Tokyo


Antarctic science communities, programs & informations

Scientific Comittee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)

Antarctic Neotectonics (ANTEC) Scientific Research Programme

Antarctic Array Programme (AArrays)

Structure and Evolution of the Antarctic Plate (SEAP)

Antarctic Seismic Web Resources (AnSWeR), Austrlian National University


Department of Earth Science, National Institute of Polar Research / 20-04-2005