This directry contains infrasound data recorded at the Syowa Station and Some Other Stations, Antarctica. The infrasound and seismic waveform data are stored in WIN format(*) and SAC format(**), and each data file contains 1 hour waveform. * ** * +--Syowa | |--win (waveforms) | | |--etc | | | |--syowa_channels.tbl #win channel table file | | | +--old_syowa_channels.tbl #old channel table file | | | | | |--2008 | | |--2009 | | : | | : | | | |--sac (waveforms) | | |--2008 | | |--2009 | | : | | : | | | |--QLplots (Quick Look Images) | |--2008 | |--2009 | : | : | : | +--Merged_Data |--win (waveforms) | |--2008 | |--2009 | : | : | |--sac (waveforms) |--201001 : : Ref: Ishihara, Y., Murayama, T., Yamamoto, M., Matsushima, T., Kanao, M., 2020. Infrasound observation at Japanese Antarctic Station " Syowa ": 11 years observations and results. Polar Data J. 4, 45–54.