Calculate altitude profile & volume emission rate of various auroral emission lines
by using the two-stream approximation method of Ono (1993)(*)

(*) Ono,T., J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 45, 455-472, 1993,

<Parameters for MSIS-90>

Location of obervatory:
 Geographic latitude(deg):  longitude(deg):

Time (UT):
 year:/month: /day:
 hour: /minute: /second:

Solar activity(F10.7): (2.8GHz solar radio flux in unit of 10-22J/sec/m2/Hz)
 3 months average:  value one day before:

Geomagnetic activity (Ap index):

<Parameters for two-stream approximation calculation>

Energy characteristics of the precipitating electrons:
 Type of energy spectrum:
 Total energy flux (erg/cm2/sr/sec):
 Average energy (eV):
 Spectrum width (eV):