4.7 Solar, Planetary and Geomagnetic Activity Indices

  4.7.1 Geomagnetic Planetary Indices

        Provided by : Institut fur Geophysik, FRG

          from Aug., 1986  onward

  4.7.2 Planetary Magnetic Three-hour-Range Indices Kp 
        (after Bartels)

        Provided by : Institut fur Geophysik, FRG

          from May, 1986   onward
          (Digital Data Base from 1971, onward)

  4.7.3 Daily Geomagnetic Character Figures C9 and 
        3-Day Mean Sunspot Numbers R9 (after Bartels)

        Provided by : Institut fur Geophysik, FRG

          from Dec., 1986  onward

  4.7.4 aa indices, International Quiet and Disturbed Days, 
        Preliminary Report on Rapid Variations and 
        Hourly Equatorial Dst Values (IAGA Monthly Bulletin)

        Provided by : Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, 
                      The Netherlands

          from Jun., 1986  onward

  4.7.5 Provisional Sunspot Numbers

        Provided by : Sunspot Index Data Center (WDC-C1), Belgium

          from Dec., 1986  onward

  4.7.6 RI Definitive Sunspot Numbers

        Provided by : Sunspot Index Data Center (WDC-C1), Belgium

          from Jan.1, 1983  onward

  4.7.7. Provisional Hourly Values of Equatorial DST 
        Provided by : WDC for Geomagnetism, Kyoto University 

          from Jan.1, 1992  onward