Syowa polarized micro-pulse lidar (PMPL) 2016.1.9 - present ------------------------------------- (1) Folder: quick_look Quick look images using the ver.3 program YYYY/snr/v3_snr_YYYYMMDD.gif 1(top) - co-pol attenuated backscatter : LOG10 (ABS (/km/sr)) 2 - co-pol signal-to-noise ratio : LOG10 (SNR) 3 - cross-pol attenuated backscatter : LOG10 (ABS (/km/sr)) 4(bottom) - cross-pol signal-to-noise ratio : LOG10(SNR) YYYY/bsr/v3_bsr_YYYYMMDD.gif 1(top) - Total atenuated backscatter (/km/sr) 2 - MPL depolarization ratio using the signals of SNR > 3 3(bottom) - MPL depolarization ratio using the signals of SNR > 10 Daily file ------------------------------------- (2) Folder: ver3/atn Vertical profile of PMPL attenuated backscatter and depolarization ratio Daily file of 5-minute interval Details 1. File names: YYYY/atn/v3_attenuate_backscatter_YYYYMMDD.txt 2. Data format in files time stamp (sec, dt=300sec, mid; 00UT=>0, 12UT=12*60*60) height (km, dz=0.03km, mid) attenuated backscatter (/m/sr) for parallel (co-pol) attenuated backscatter (/m/sr) for perpendilucllar (cross-pol) SNR for parallel SNR for perpendilucllar MPL backscatter depolarization ratio ---------------------------- (code) read_ave_30m_999bin_calin_snr.f wread_30m_999bin-syowa.c ============== MPL serial NO S/N4107 -2009/12/15 2010/06-2012/06 NIPR -2013/09 Shigaraki -2013/12/20 NIPR -2014/02/20 Sigma 2014/05/13-2015/03/06 AWIPEV 2014/05/13-2014/06/25 966kB (dz=30m) 2014/06/25-2014/12/05 1922kB (dz=15m) 2014/12/05-2015/03/06 966kB (dz=30m) 2015/03/08-current Rabben 2015/03/09- 1922kB (dz=15m) S/N4206 -2012/03 2012/03/27-2012/06/05 AWIPEV 2012/06/06-2013/03/20 Rabben -CN 2013/08/05-2014/05/13 AWI 2013/08/- 679kB (dz=30m, Range Max=) 2014/05/13-2014/10/10 Sigma 2015/11 Syowa- (dz=15m) ==============