Click NYC region in this map to get NYCinside maps...

NYCinside map NYCinside map NYC map

* Odakyu-line :                                            
	Use local train from Shinjuku Stn to Sangubashi St.
	5min walk from Sangubashi Station to NYC           
* Keio bus :                                               
	available near Shinjuku Station West exit #16      
	available near Shibuya Station South exit #14      
	get off at "Yoyogi 5-chome" bus stop               
* Subway Chiyoda-line :                                    
	11min walk from Yoyogi Koen Station to NYC         

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SD98 Local Organization Committee, Japan
Upper Atmosphere Physics Division,
National Institute of Polar Research
1-9-10, Kaga, Itabasi, Tokyo 173, Japan
All the images related to textile and weaving on SD98 Web pages are copyrighted by
© '"Ie no Waza, Mura no Sigoto Ten" Jikkou-Iinkai-Jimukyoku - Some-to-Ori "Ryuuai"'