BasyouhuC9903 ver.1.01
SD Japanese Special Time RCP in March, 1999
Sessai@NIPR, 1999/02/21 revised on 1999/02/25 revised on 1999/02/26 |
1. Installation 2. Schedule file 3. Test running, please 4. Sounding mode 5. Beam sequence 6. Notes |
1. Installation
Get BasyouhuC9903 ver.1.01 installation package from (here!) The installation package file you should get is BasyouhuC9903.tar.gz (check if the size is 31718 bytes & cksum = 3108684525 on QNX) (If you cannot get/save it, please try the following... Install packages to choose one.) Put it on your Radops QNX PC. (Be sure the file name shuold be "BasyouhuC9903.tar.gz" or "BasyouhuC9903.tar.F". If it's not so (e.g. BasyouhuC9903_tar.gz, BasyouhuC9903.tgz), rename it after transfering it to QNX...) (If you use older QNX (earlier than v4.24) whose "install" program does not support gzipped packages, first you should uncompress it by gunzip, and then freeze it by doing "freeze -v BasyouhuC9903.tar" to create "BasyouhuC9903.tar.F" before going ahead...) (Or you can get "BasyouhuC9903.tar" or "BasyouhuC9903.tar.F" directly from this web. Press "Install packages" above.) (If you don't have gzip/gunzip on QNX, you can get it from Quics! Press here to get "gzip.tar.F"!) Do the following on your Radops QNX PC. install -u BasyouhuC9903.tar.gz (If you get or create "BasyouhuC9903.tar.F", do instead like... install -u BasyouhuC9903.tar.F ) and follow the setup instruction to complete the installation process... (Julian, now you can install it in any directory you like...:-) This should work for Radops2000 version 4.01 and 4.10 on both QNX 4.22A and QNX 4.24, I hope. (I didn't check it on QNX 4.25 which has already been released.) If you encounter any problem, please let me know it as soon as possible. PS. You can also see source codes here on this web. BasyouhuC9903.c BasyouhuC9903.h makefile report2.c sync2.h ntp.h forbid_freq_check.h option2.h show.h freq_band.h pulse_code.h
2. Schedule file
(The same documentation as this is included in the installation package. Its file name is "00Readme" found in the source directory where you install. You can use it to create your schedule file (and you can also aviod any unexpected mistyping!!!). ............. 1999 3 10 0 0 /radops/usr/bin/BasyouhuC9903 -df1 xxx1 -df2 xxx2 -nf1 yyy1 -nf2 yyy2 ............. 1999 3 15 0 0 /radops/usr/bin/BasyouhuC9903 -df1 xxx1 -df2 xxx2 -nf1 yyy1 -nf2 yyy2 ............. where... xxx1 : 1st day-time start_freq/band xxx2 : 2nd day-time start_freq/band yyy1 : 1st night-time start_freq/band yyy2 : 2nd night-time start_freq/band Please specify all these 4 best frequencies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to get as much ionospheric echo as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Please avoid your restrict freq bands, of cource...) If you need more info, you can see the online usage of this RCP by doing use BasyouhuC9903 or read the source code or ask me...
3. Test running, please...
After reading the explanation of the sounding mode below, all the radars should test this RCP in DT before the March ST. Please test this RCP with all the 4 options, -df1/-df2/-nf1/-nf2 at your radar site. (It's good enough for this RCP to run just for 10 to 15 min or so.) And please report any problem to me ASAP if any. Please make sure again that you specify '-df1','-df2','-nf1','-nf2' options for your test run as describled above. You can see display task's display or 'errlog' file to check if intt is correct or not, and if beam sequence and freqency setting are correct or not. This RCP will output time/bmnum/start_freq/scan for each beam in errlog file. Many thanks for your great efforts to check and run this RCP!!
4. Sounding mode
This BasyouhuC9903 is a modified version of Basyouhu scan which ran for our Special Time in Fab.,1998 and Jan. & Feb., 1999. (If any of you cannot perform intt=3 on your radar, let me know soon.) For most radars for most days, various Basyouhu scans will be made to get 1 or 2 high time resolution special camping beam(s) data with optimized high time resolution global convection data simultaneously. intt=3sec,frang=180km,mpinc=2400 as usual, but no GPS synchronization. rsep=45km except rsep=30km for Finland radar. CP=5242 This RCP changes freqency both for special beam(s) and for each scan for normal beams. In case of having only 1 special beam(SB), N1 SB N2 SB N3 SB N4 SB .... N13 SB N14 SB | N1 SB N2 SB N3 SB f1 f1 f1 f1 .... f1 f1 | f2 f2 f2 .... f1 f2 f1 f2 .... f1 f2 | f1 f2 f1.. (no GPS sync) In case that there are 2 special beams(S1 and S2) set, N1 S1 N2 S2 N3 S1 N4 S2 .... N13 S1 N14 S2 | N1 S1 N2 S2 N3 S1 f1 f1 f1 f1 .... f1 f1 | f2 f2 f2 .... f1 f1 f2 f2 .... f1 f1 | f2 f2 f1.. (no GPS sync) N1,N2,N3,.... : Basyouhu normal beams SB/S1,S2 : Basyouhu special beams f1/f2 : 2 freqencies given by -df1/-df2 or -nf1/-nf2 2 frequencies can be given for day time and 2 more frequencies can be given for night time respectively (by -df1, -df2 and -nf1, -nf2 command line options). So please specify all the 4 frequencies... (even if f1 for day time and f1 for night time are the same.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q & A ..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q> I'm a bit confused about the 2 day time and 2 night time frequencies. Q> You have requested that the frequencies are optimised for best ionospheric Q> returns. However, what criteria do you want me to use to make f1 different Q> to f2 for the day and then the night? Q> Do you just want f2 to be a little higher than f1, or a lot higher? Answer is.... Sorry about not enough explanation on our request. Actually I cannot say about it so clearly. Our intention is that 1. we'll be very happy if we can get echo from different regions from f1 and f2 simply because total echo regions are larger. 2. we'll be very happy if we can get some echo from one frequency even when we cannot get any echo from the other frequency. I imagine that if f1 and f2 is almost the same(say delta is a few hundred kHz), we'll normally get very similar echos from both frequencies or we cannot get any echos from both frequencies. I imagine that if f2 is very(too much)(say 6MHz,10MHz) higher than f1, we can expect echo from only one frequency. So our request we can say will be f2 shuold NOT be TOO MUCH higher than f1 but only an extremely very little difference between f1 and f2 will not be so meaningful. So the 2nd freq(f2) which is not too much higher, and not only very little higher than f1, will be fine... Yes, I should say much clearer criteria for it. But actually it's really difficult for me.. And of cource the best combination will depend greatly on ionospheric conditions, geomagnetic disturbances, season(month), (geographic and geomagnetic)local time, and so on. It means it's a difficult request for you... We can decide them just by our experiences so far (and hopefully also by some space weather broadcast...(?)) I cannot say very clearly which difference will be better, about 1MHz, about 2MHz, about 3MHz or about 4MHz. I shuold have checked your frequency scan mode data. If you can kindly check your discretionary frequency scan mode data,... If you got very similar echo from similar (overlapped) region when delta is 1MHz, so 2MHz or 3MHz will be better... If you got very similar echo from similar (overlapped) region when delta is 2MHz, so 3MHz or 4MHz will be better... If you got very similar echo from similar (overlapped) region when delta is 3MHz, so 4MHz or 5MHz will be better... I can say only so now. Sorry again for our very unclear request. We just worry about a case if no (very little) echo... (I'll let you know if I can say about it more clearly.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed beam sequences for all the radars will be shown below...
5. Beam sequence
Each beam sequence for each radar is almost completely different from ones for the other modes/radars. I try to summarize all the sequences here... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sas : forward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 7 w/ global scan(sb=1 eb=15) 1, 7,5,7,9, 7,13, 7,3,7,11, 7,15, 7,2, 7,6, 7,10, 7,14, 7,4, 7,8, 7,12, 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kap : backward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 5 w/ global scan(sb=14 eb=0) 14, 5,10, 5,6, 5,2, 5,12, 5,8, 5,4, 5,0, 5,13, 5,9, 5,1, 5,11, 5,7, 5,3, 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goose : forward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec=11 w/ global scan(sb=1 eb=15) 1,11,5,11,9,11,13,11,3,11,7,11,15,11,2,11,6,11,10,11,14,11,4,11,8,11,12,11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IceW : backward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 6 w/ global scan(sb=14 eb=0) 14, 6,10, 6,2, 6,12, 6,8, 6,4, 6,0, 6,13, 6,9, 6,5, 6,1, 6,11, 6,7, 6,3, 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IceE : forward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 6 w/ global scan(sb=1 eb=15) 1, 6,5, 6,9, 6,13, 6,3, 6,7, 6,11, 6,15, 6,2,6,10, 6,14, 6,4, 6,8, 6,12, 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fin : backward scan : rsep=30, intt=3 spec= 9,4 w/ global scan(sb=15 eb=0) 15, 9,11, 4,7, 9,3, 4,13, 9,5, 4,1, 9,14, 4,10, 9,6, 4,2, 9,12,4,8, 9,0, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halley : forward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 13,3 w/ global scan(sb=0 eb=15) 0,13,4, 3,8,13,12, 3,2,13,6, 3,10,13,14, 3,1,13,5, 3,9,13,7, 3,11,13,15, 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sanae : backward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 3,8 w/ global scan(sb=15 eb=0) 15, 3,11, 8,7, 3,13, 8,9, 3,5, 8,1, 3,14, 8,10,3,6, 8,2, 3,12, 8,4, 3,0, 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SyowaS : backward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 3 w/ global scan(sb=14 eb=0) 14, 3,10, 3,6, 3,2, 3,12, 3,8, 3,4, 3, 0, 3,13, 3,9, 3,5, 3,1, 3,11, 3,7,3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SyowaE : forward scan : rsep=45, intt=3 spec= 7 w/ global scan(sb=1 eb=15) 1, 7,5, 7,9, 7,13, 7,3,7,11, 7,15, 7,2, 7,6, 7,10, 7,14, 7,4, 7,8, 7,12, 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Notes
'vlptm' is now not good for any beam sequences which include camping beams. This is because vlptm regards any beams with scan!=0 as start_beam which means any special camping beam whose scan value is negative will be regarded as a start_beam and which is meaningless. If you change vlptm code a bit you might get much more proper vec files for some of special programs including Basyouhu... A line 277 in vlptm.c both in Radops2000 version 4.01 and version 4.10, if (scan && (bmbak != -1)) { .... shuold be modified to if ((scan==1) && (bmbak != -1)) { .... (or if ((scan>0) && (bmbak != -1)) { .... (this is my favorite...)). I strongly recommend you to adopt this fix to get proper vec files even when we do any other mode than normal_scan. (before grid files officially become used for the ISTP KP data or before next Radops is available.) How do Mike and Rob think about this? That's it. Many thanks in advance! Regards, Sessai
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SuperDARN Research Group, Japan Upper Atmosphere Physics Division, National Institute of Polar Research 1-9-10, Kaga, Itabasi, Tokyo 173, Japan All the images related to textile and weaving on SENSU Web pages are copyrighted by © '"Ie no Waza, Mura no Sigoto Ten" Jikkou-Iinkai-Jimukyoku - Some-to-Ori "Ryuuai"' |
...Sessai... |